Maxine Waters Claims Trump “Is Slow Walking America To Dictatorship”…

DailyCaller reports Democratic California Rep. Maxine Waters said Tuesday that President Donald Trump “is moderate strolling America to fascism,” giving what she considers to be instances of that guarantee.
“Individuals be careful!” the congresswoman tweeted. “Trump is moderate strolling America to tyranny. Press assaults own AG [William] Barr, controlling our courts including Supreme Court, terminating reviewer officers, commending [Russian President Vladimir] Putin and [North Korean dictator] Kim Jong Un, presently attempting to defund US Postal Service, and contradicting vote via mail!”
The congresswoman has a past filled with venting her abhorrence of the president, when calling Trump “the most disgusting individual that would ever walk the earth.”
Trump has considered Waters a “low IQ singular.” She was one of the principal House Democrats to reliably require the arraignment of the president.
During December’s prosecution banter, Waters reminded everybody that she required Trump’s evacuation “ahead of schedule” in his term of office.
“Indeed, I required Trump’s prosecution early,” she said. “This is our nation. Our foremothers and progenitors shed their blood to manufacture and guard this vote based system. I will not have it undermined. I wholeheartedly bolster this goals.”
